Did You Know? Babe’s Photos Produces Commercial Imagery Part 2

July 26, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Did You Know?
Babe’s Photos Produces Commercial Imagery.

What is Commercial Imagery?
Commercial imagery at its best captures high quality images of products, services and facilities to support a business brand with the impact needed to attract the ideal customer.
When it comes to products…
70% of shoppers look for 3 photos or more when shopping online.
(USA Snapshots 2017)
When it comes to product imagery…
Babe’s Photos showcases each business’s uniqueness with brand appropriate staging, lighting and attention to detail…for both catalog and feature images.
Always remembering that…
Quality product photography = Perceived product value

Part 2:  Macro Product Imagery

What is Macro Photography?
Macro photography is extreme close-up photography of very small items to produce images greater than life size.
Macro Photography Usage
Catalog and feature images of very small products to display detail not visible to the naked eye.
Let’s Get Technical…It’s in the technique and the equipment.
Lens: True macro lens, such as a Canon 65mm MP-E 1-5X, achieves higher magnification than life size.
Extension Tubes: Extending distance between the lens and sensor increases magnification.
Lighting: Macro lenses need accurate light intensity, direction and distance to produce desired effects.
Focal Point: Where the focus point is set can dramatically change the appearance of the product
Depth of Field: Limited depth of field is important and requires skill to adjust aperture and lighting accurately.
Focus Stacking: Combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to increase depth of field.
Microscopy: Photographs created with a microscope to produce images with extreme magnification.

Product Example:  Microprocessor Chip Packages

Our Story
Picture this…we release a little black speck from its vacuum packed seal being careful to capture it with special tweezers before it has a chance to get airborne.  With tweezers squeezed tight, we set the little black speck in a petri dish on the stage under the camera lens.  Three lights are set to a trajectory targeting the little black speck.  So far so good!  Next we set the front and back focal points and take 20 shots of the little black speck, incrementally focusing between the front and back.  Then the 20 images are merged together to create an image in focus from front to back.  All eyes are now fixed on the monitor screen…waiting.  Little by little the little black speck reveals its various silicon colors, complex layers of circuitry, neat ball arrays…accompanied by exclamations of…

Stay tuned for Commercial Imagery Part 3


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