Heirloom Preservation



"Grab the photo albums"

Family pictures are what everyone thinks about when an emergency is bearing down on a family home.

Over time, photos became so commonplace that they lost their status as family heirlooms.

They became just pictures carried in wallets, stored in shoeboxes or thrown in junk drawers…forgotten…until they were “found”.

At Babe's Photos, your scratched, torn, stained, or poorly captured photographic memories can be digitally restored with the care an heirloom deserves.

Contact us for a free consultation session.

Heirloom Preservation!

A sample of a Daguerreotype of a man and a woman restored


The daguerreotype is a direct-positive process, creating a highly detailed image on a sheet of copper plated with a thin coat of silver without the use of a negative.
A sample of a Tintype of two children with Sepia Restoration


A tintype, also known as melainotype or ferrotype, creates a photographic image on a thin sheet of metal or iron that has been coated with a dark lacquer or enamel.
A sample of a print of a Farm with Black & White Restoration

Prints, Negs & Polaroids

Prints, Negatives and Polaroids can be digitally restored to remove scratches, tears or stains.

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